The recommended number of adjustments varies from one individual to another along with their goals. It is important to understand that your body requires time to heal, and each adjustment helps build upon the last. Some cases require ongoing following the initial phase, but as you progress and your spine begins to stabilise, your chiropractor will set you up with a less frequent schedule.
Is Chiropractic care safe?
Yes, chiropractic is safe. Statistically, adjustments are around 100 times safer than only taking over the counter pain relief and they may help you avoid drugs are unnecessary surgeries. A New Zealand government-funded study concluded chiropractic treatment to be “incredibly safe”, which combined with the excellent track record of chiropractic leads to insurance premiums significantly lower than those of our medical counterparts.
How long until I feel better?
How fast you heal is affected by many factors; the chronicity of the problem, getting adequate rest, nutrition and exercise and keeping to your schedule. Some experience rapid relief, while others discover it can take many weeks to months. Your chiropractor will consider how you are feeling and how your body is functioning because structure dictates function and this ultimately affects how fast you respond to care.
How does Chiropractic care work?
You are a self-healing, self-regulating organism controlled by your nervous system. Millions of instructions from your brain flow down your spinal cord to every organ, tissue and cell within your body and signals are sent back to your brain confirming everything is working correctly. Stiff or immobile joints, known as subluxations, can interfere with your body’s ability to communicate with your brain, which if left unaddressed can lead to swelling and irritation of the surrounding soft tissues.