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Posted: July 28th, 2021

1. Plan Out Each Day And Try To Maintain A Daily Structure

It’s a good idea to keep a similar schedule to the one you had before the 'Coronavirus' outbreak began. Take some time to write down how you want to spend your day, creating a new routine and sticking to it will give you a sense of order and normality. Make sure to include things you like to do and enjoy doing them.

2. Avoid Being Hard On Yourself, It’s Ok To Have A Bad Day... After All You’re Only Human

We all experience feelings of anger, loneliness, happiness and frustration. We can’t expect to always stay positive through every life event.

3. Tackle all those projects you’ve been putting off.

Paint and refresh your garden shed, update your resume or sort out your wardrobe. Consider this an opportunity to do something productive! Make a list of all those things you have been wanting to do, but never had the time for. These tasks will make you feel productive and give you a sense of accomplishment and purpose during these quiet times.

4.Reach Out To People

You’re probably not the only person feeling concerned, bored and/or frustrated. It's a good time for a catch up with friends and family. Self-Isolation can be a lonely time, please don’t be afraid to reach out to people, they will probably be grateful to hear from you!

5. Hang Out With Your Pets

If you have a pet, this is a great time to rely on them for some companionship! Petting your dog/cat stimulates the release of dopamine and serotonin, both of which help regulate mood, relieve stress and increase levels of happiness.

6. Exercise Often

Exercise is a great way to keep your body and mind active! There are plenty of physical health benefits that come from exercising. However, exercise can also help you take your mind off distressing news and allow you to focus on something more positive!

Look out for our upcoming blog on our favourite way to workout out...

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